We’re back online!
There have been some changes at the gaming table in the few years we’ve been offline. Thanks to a combination of the beast known as ‘Conflicting Schedules’ and the multi-year onslaught of the pandemic, some changes were made here at the corner table.
For starters, in person gaming wasn’t really an option anymore. The group decided that Discord would be the best solution for that. We were already doing some other gaming there, but for it to work properly, we would need to switch over to 5e from 4e.
Yeah, I know 4e gets a lot of hate, but it was the current edition when I first started getting into D&D. I had held onto the edition longer than I probably should have, and the switchover to Discord was the catalyst I needed to finally make the transition. The fact that the Discord bot would take care of most of the heavy lifting was a plus.
Another big change to the home D&D game was a setting switch from Eberron to Theria. For anyone not familiar with Theria, it’s the setting from the podcast Dungeons and Randomness, a D&D live-play podcast that I’ve been following for several years. They’ve published a setting book, and are in the process of making another one.
This is a long way of saying that there’s going to be a lot of updates to make to the site. Check back to see what we’ve got going on!